Is Alaska the Right Fit For Your Family?

We think so!

Alaska family zip lining

Do you love the outdoors? Do you seek adventure? Are you interested in wildlife? Do you want to catch some fish and take it home? If you answered yes to any of these questions- Alaska is the place for you. Alaska’s got it all, an abundance of thrill and relaxation. Whether it’s ziplining with our canopy adventures or sitting outside the guest fire pit telling ‘fish stories’ (we all know YOU caught the biggest fish), Soaring Eagle Lodge is here to make sure you have your dream vacation.

We understand that Alaska is an investment, and many people will only experience it once in a lifetime. We are here to make sure those memories last forever. Soaring Eagle Lodge wants to get you unplugged for the week and hooked into some more meaningful family time. Quality time is our specialty. Memories of your granddaughter catch her first 40 lb salmon, or helping your son reel in his first 200 lb halibut? We aim to make that happen.

Because every family has their own idea of fun, we provide several all-inclusive packages that will really fit the entire family. We have a museum and historical tour options, adventure/thrill-seeking options, and just plain ole’ relaxing options. The time spent at Soaring Eagle Lodge is meant to help you reconnect with nature and your loved ones. Let us customize your trip and make it everything you’ve dreamed of!