The Best Times For Fishing!
One of the most common questions we get is, when can I catch fish? Typically, my answer is always! Soaring Eagle Lodge operates May-September. During those months, the fish are running! Below is a guide to catching different species and what you can expect during our fishing season.
It’s always better to know your fish runs and what you’re hoping to catch before planning your trip.
King Salmon (Chinook) — First Run: Mid May to July; Second Run: Mid July to July 31 (last day of season)
Red Salmon (Sockeye) — First Run: Late May to Early June; Second Run: Mid July to Early August
Silver Salmon (Coho) — Late July to November 1
Pink Salmon (Humpbacks) — Late July to Late August (Even Years Only)
Rainbow Trout — June 15 – October 31
Dolly Varden and Lake Trout — Entire Year